With school officially in full swing, you may be finding yourself caught in the chaotic whirlwind of carpools, lunch boxes, practices, rehearsals and homework. When you throw dance classes into the mix, finding a balance between everything can seem impossible. We know you have busy lives, which is why we want to make it easier for you to find a balance between dance and school this year. Here are a few tips to get you started:
1. Get Organized.
Even though life may be busy and hectic this year, you can still find ways to stay organized. Get a planner or a calendar and write all of the important events for each month. Color code it by activity or family member, so everyone knows where they are supposed to be at any given time. Ask your dance teacher for a calendar of events so you can plan ahead for recitals or competitions.
2. School comes first.
If you are a dance parent, you likely already prioritize your child’s education over their dance classes. However, as a dancer, it can be difficult to remember that school needs to be the number one priority. Try setting educational goals for your dancer that allow them to earn a new dance outfit or extra practice time if they maintain certain grades in their classes at school.
If you are a dancer, find creative ways to motivate yourself to study and complete your school work. Try forming a study group with other dancers and meet at dance class early to study together. Or have a family member quiz you on your test materials while you stretch or practice at home.
3. Prioritize your life.
Unfortunately, if you are serious about dance, you may need to eliminate some things from your life. Take a look at all of your activities and decide which ones really matter to you. You can’t quit school, so your involvement in things like clubs, other sports teams and social activities may need to be scaled back so you can focus your time and energy on what’s important to you. Remember that it’s okay to say no. If you say yes to everything that comes your way, you will quickly become burnt out and exhausted. Make time for the important things and if you have time leftover, enjoy other activities, too!
4. Go easy on yourself.
With the stress of a busy life, you may find yourself falling short in one aspect or another. That’s okay. Don’t give up. Just focus a little harder on that one thing, whatever it is, until you reach your goals. Dancers tend to be perfectionists, which is an excellent trait on stage, but it also may cause you to become unnecessarily anxious in life. Give yourself grace and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.