For many young dancers, life revolves around dance. If they had it their way, they would dance every day without having to worry about classes, homework and other obligations. However, the reality for most young dancers is that the school year is a precarious balancing act that requires as much precision and technique as their dance classes.
Now that the school year is in full swing, here are some tips to help your family balance school and dance this year.
Keep an organized schedule.
Since school and dance are both practically full-time jobs, it’s important to keep an organized schedule so that everyone is on the same page. As soon as you learn of upcoming school deadlines or important dance dates, add them to your schedule. Many calendar apps allow you to share your calendar with family members or friends. Make sure your whole family has access to your calendar so they can help remind you of important dates and hold you accountable to deadlines and test dates.
If you find yourself struggling to make time for everything in your schedule, it may be time to cut one or two things. Make a list of everything with which you are involved, and rank them in order of importance to you. Then decide which things on your list may be able to be cut. Make sure school comes before dance and your grades aren’t suffering due to your involvement in dance.
Study with your dance friends.
Instead of hanging out or wasting time between dance lessons, use that time wisely by studying with your dance teammates. Quiz each other for upcoming tests or help each other complete difficult assignments. This will help you grow closer as a team while also completing your necessary school work.
If you find yourself struggling to balance school, dance, family life and all the other obligations you have this year, talk with your dance teachers. Let them know what’s going on so that they can work with you to find a solution.
At Dance Classics, we offer dance classes with a variety of class times to fit your busy schedule. Contact us today to learn more!